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In the Maintenance Training Sector, ECA Group has been leading the way for more than 20 years with the CMOS (Cockpit Maintenance Operations Simulator).

Maintenance Training Device (MTD 2D)
Maintenance Training Device (MTD 2D)

Maintenance Training devices offer a wide range of functionalities through an ergonomic interface. Training is...

Touch Screen Maintenance Trainer
Touch Screen Maintenance Trainer

Touch Screen Maintenance Trainers are the solution for training students on a cockpit like environment without the...

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Facing demand for maintenance training is – and will be – a challenge for the industry in the coming years. ECA Group is developing innovative tools in order to meet this growing demand. Whereas recognized as an evidence in flight training, contribution of simulation training tools is still widely underutilized inside Maintenance Training Organizations. Nevertheless, studies have shown that experiencing simulation leads to a tremendous increase of resilience in comparison with classic classroom theory. This applies even more to latest generation entrants to the industry, substantially familiar with these new technologies.

Simulation in Maintenance Training offers several benefits: deep understanding of modern aircrafts’ complex systems is streamlined, trainee can either be guided while following troubleshooting procedures, or perform the troubleshooting in free-play mode, which will lead to a report eventually usable in the assessment process. The solution is designed in a way that it simplifies instructor’s teaching course and increases learning process through innovative and active training.

Airlines and MROs, through their everlasting concern for safety, are ready for this improved training experience, and ECA Group shall support them with the most efficient training tools on the market. 

News & Events

APATS 2018 | 29 August | 2pm - 3.30 pm ECA Group Conference "Simulation in... TRAINING SIMULATION

At the occasion of APATS 2018, ECA Group will speak about the benefits of simulations applied to maintenance training...

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APATS 2018 | 28 - 29 August | ECA Group Aviation Simulation Solutions TRAINING SIMULATION

Join ECA Group experts at Asia Pacific Airline Training Symposium 2018

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