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Integrated mothership range for mine clearance at sea

Exail and Mauric offers innovative ship designs OCTOPODA specifically designed to conduct Mine CounterMeasures missions at sea using drone systems.


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In 2016, Exail and naval engineering office MAURIC combined their respective areas of expertise to develop an innovative product range to meet the increasing demand from navies and other professional maritime operators.

OCTOPODA is a cost effective solution based on Coastal or Offshore Patrol Vessels dedicated to the deployment of naval drones for surveillance and protection or MCM missions. It can integrate a UMISTM system or any typical configuration of naval drones (UAV, USV, AUV).

Specifically designed for mine clearance at sea, this range of mothership solutions enables drones systems and robots to be integrated on-board naval vessels.

OCTOPODA operates outside the minefield and each drone has a different role to play in the zone to be secured. They are deployed and controlled by a small team of operators on-board the OCTOPODA vessel, which remains in a secure zone.

Ready to be built and based on a sea-proven hull form; it has ideal seaworthiness by high sea state in cruising speed or for UxV launch and recovery.

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