ExailECA Group is joining forces with iXblue and becomes Exail Learn more
Degaussing Systems
Degaussing Systems

Exail with its degaussing system has the expertise to reduce the magnetic signature of submarines as well as surface...

Integrated Platform Management System for Submarines
Integrated Platform Management System for Submarines

The ECA Group Integrated Platform Management System – IPMS for Submarine applications, has been specially designed...

Manoeuvrability System
Manoeuvrability System

Manoeuvrability system is an efficient solution proposed by ECA Group, based on products designed for SSBN and SSN...

Submarine Main Switchboard
Submarine Main Switchboard

ECA Group's Submarine Main Switchboard, managing high power - 750Vdc - provides the submarine main onboard electrical...

Variable Speed Drives
Variable Speed Drives

Exail's world-class VSD - variable speed drives range from 40 to 500A for AC motors controls, provides high...

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