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Major Events Security

To ensure a quick response to civil security threats, ECA Group provides cutting edge technology Land and aerial robots to protect major events for IEDD / EOD risks

For major event security protection, ECA Group design and manufactures state-of-the art air and land robotic solutions for surveillance and intervention on IED treats

Fully Equipped Ground Intervention Van for Bomb Disposal
Fully Equipped Ground Intervention Van for Bomb Disposal

As a perfect complement for UGVs, this solution offers a customized vehicle hosting UGV to ensure a quick deployment...

Lightweight EOD and Counter IED UGV
Lightweight EOD and Counter IED UGV

ECA Group offers an integrated lightweight EOD/IEDD UGV solution for EOD/IEDD intervention in any environment,...

Medium EOD & Counter IED UGV
Medium EOD & Counter IED UGV

ECA Group has designed and produced a medium size UGV solution for EOD/IEDD intervention in any environment. Mobile...


Mini UGV for EOD and IEDD UGV are increasingly deployed by civil security forces to cope with multifaceted threats....

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ECA Group supplies a wide range of Unmanned Ground vehicles (UGVs) as well as aerial drones. These solutions enables to proceed to a various kind of missions thanks to the wide range of payloads available and perform quick interventions.

These solutions enables to proceed to a various kind of missions thanks to the wide range of payloads available and perform quick interventions.

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