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Law Enforcement

ECA Group supplies all-terrain innovative robotic solutions to support Law inforcement officers in their tasks

ECA Group supplies Unmanned aerials and ground robotic solution to support Law enforcement actions such as event security, border control and surveillance

Tethered Mini UAV for Permanent Surveillance
Tethered Mini UAV for Permanent Surveillance

ECA Group Tethered Mini UAV for Permanent Surveillance is a solution dedicated to unlimited surveillance missions....

Wreck Expertise Inspection by ROVS
Wreck Expertise Inspection by ROVS

Discover the ECA Group range of solutions for the expertise of wrecks in coastal waters. Two observation class ROVs...

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In the area of Law Enforcement both at sea and ashore, ECA Group supports the Coast Guard, Border Control, Customs and Police Forces. Using advanced technology, ECA Group systems play a key role and act as a “Force Multiplier”.

This is particularly evident in the field of event security and Border control and surveillance. ECA Group UAVs in particular can greatly improve coverage in remote border areas, have the ability to loiter and lessen the burden on human resources.

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