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Lightweight Counter CBRN UGV
Lightweight Counter CBRN UGV

Based on Cameleon C, the lightweight counter-CBRN UGV is able to detect, analyze and measure in real-time any...

Lightweight EOD and Counter IED UGV
Lightweight EOD and Counter IED UGV

ECA Group offers an integrated lightweight EOD/IEDD UGV solution for EOD/IEDD intervention in any environment,...

Medium Counter CBRN UGV
Medium Counter CBRN UGV

ECA Group has designed and produced a medium size UGV solution for CBRN operations. Mobile and resistant, equipped...

Medium EOD & Counter IED UGV
Medium EOD & Counter IED UGV

ECA Group has designed and produced a medium size UGV solution for EOD/IEDD intervention in any environment. Mobile...


Mini UGV for EOD and IEDD UGV are increasingly deployed by civil security forces to cope with multifaceted threats....

Mini UGV for CBRN Operations
Mini UGV for CBRN Operations

ECA Group offers a high performance solution for immediate chemical or radiological warfare agent detection in the...

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