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Critical Infrastructure Protection (Sea / Land)

ECA Group offers innovative robotic solutions to protect critical infrastructures at sea & on land against emerging threats. ECA Group systems uses the latest technologies to provide an efficient and quick response

ECA Group designs and develops efficient unmanned robotic solutions at sea & on land to protect Critical infrastructures

Tethered Mini UAV for Permanent Surveillance
Tethered Mini UAV for Permanent Surveillance

ECA Group Tethered Mini UAV for Permanent Surveillance is a solution dedicated to unlimited surveillance missions....

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For Harbour Surveillance, Harbour Response, Coastal Surveillance, Coastal Response, ECA Group can deploy an array of efficient and effective systems. These Unmanned robotic solutions include AUVs, USVs, UGVs and UAVs that can be further complemented by ROVs for a combination of tasks.

Many kinds of mission can be performed with ECA Group solutions such as:

  • inspection of immersed structures
  • object recovery
  • underwater object identification
  • diver assistance
  • CBRN detection
  • EOD/IED tasks

These robust and highly versatile systems are also employed for Offshore Protection and in particular for Platform and Hull inspections, deep and shallow water survey and wreck inspections. All ECA Group systems are supported by the appropriate Simulation applications.

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