ECA Group supports French Fire & Rescue Service with Emergency Driving Simulator
The SDIS is a French Fire & rescue service that aside from its main activities, also offers awareness-raising campaign called “COD 0”. Opened to administrative and technical staff, as well as volunteers and professional firefighters, these sessions aims at training on driving ambulance-type lightweight vehicles.
By enhancing SDIS 22 Car simulator with the EF-Emergency module, ECA Group will be offering a quality training on emergency driving.
SDIS 22 Departmental Fire & Rescue Service will use the EF-Emergengy simulator to reinforce:
- The safety of its emergency drivers & of transported victims
- The respect of the legal framework on homeland territory
- The efficiency of emergency driving response against imponderables
About EF-Emergency emergency driving simulator
EF-EMERGENCY is ECA Group standard training solution on driving simulator dedicated to first responders (firefighters, ambulance & police drivers). It can be customized with the integration of customer specific vehicles models, but also localised with typical country road signs & marks, left or right-hand drive and language translation.
ECA Group EF-EMERGENCY training solution is the ideal training tool for the firefighter’s ambulance & light intervention vehicle driving, as it can simulate :
- Health Liaison Vehicle (French VLS)
- Off-Road Liaison Vehicle (French VLRH)
- Multi-Purpose Vehicle (French VTU)
- Rescue & Assistance to Victims Vehicle (French VSAV)
Heath Liaison Vehicle drives from Fire Station
Multi-Purpose Vehicle in Emergency Protection Mission
Rescue & Assistance to Victims Vehicle ready for Evacuation
About SDIS 22
The SDIS - French Fire & rescue service - is an autonomous public establishment, composed of professional and volunteer firefighters alongside administrative, technical and specialized personnel. The missions of the SDIS are to:
- Prevent, protect and fight against fires,
- Prevent and assess civil security risks,
- Prepare safeguarding measures and organize of the means of rescue,
- Protect of people, property and the environment,
- Rescue and evacuate people involved in accidents or disasters.
Test ECA Group's EF-Emergency driving simulator
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