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ECA Group designs & manufactures mechanical and electrical Ground Support Equipment (GSE) for aircraft MRO, engine maintenance as well as space applications.

TC200-H160 / Test means / Helicopter electrical test set
TC200-H160 / Test means / Helicopter electrical test set

T-Cell technology features a range of compact electronic modules fitted into various mobile cases. It is transported...

TC50 eTOOL / All-in-one trouble shooting portable tool
TC50 eTOOL / All-in-one trouble shooting portable tool

a new all-in-one Aerospace electrical Ground Support Equipment (E-GSE). This innovative wire troubleshooting GSE...

TP10-A429 / ARINC 429 reader transmitter
TP10-A429 / ARINC 429 reader transmitter

TP10-A429 is a compact ARINC 429 reader/transmitter with large touchscreen & user oriented interface . It features...

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Since more than 20 years, ECA Group produces GSE both under manufacturer licence or of its own design. We are working in partnership with Original Equipment Manufacturer for Aerospace Ground Support Equipment (MGSE & EGSE) such as ATR aircraft and Airbus.

We are also a licensee for tooling and GSE from Pratt & Whitney Canada, covering a wide range of PWC engine GSE such as PW100, PW200, PW300, PW500, PT6. With over 15,000 P/Ns in our capability list, we manage GSE indices evolution to get along supported equipment and aircraft evolution.

Our added value resides in proposing improvement based on specification to optimize cost and functionality. Besides GSE design & manufacturing, our services also includes tooling calibration and maintenance, with repair center in Europe and Asia.

In addition, ECA Group is a leader in designing and manufacturing a range of aircraft Electrical Ground Support Equipement (EGSE).

Based on its extensive knowledge of electrical test means, ECA Group proposes compact portable GSE to perform advance test and simulation on-wing, during line maintenance or heavy maintenance.

These smart connected tools are used for example for aircraft troubleshooting, functionnal testing, avionics bus reading and transmitting.

Likewise, in the space sector, ECA Group capitalize on its experience on special tooling to design Mechanical Ground Support Equipment (MGSE) and Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) that are used for satelite and launcher integration.

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